See you in two months! I'm so glad to hear you're doing this, and you've got this!

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Your humanness is what makes you such a wonderful teacher. You walk the walk. Thank you and we’ll still be here when you’re back :)

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I'm new to the Love Story group, but value your writing and self-insight SO very much. I'm so happy that the pieces are coming together for you to take what you need. I hope that the process can be gentler than it has been so far, but sometimes we definitely do need that fire under our butts to get moving :) Wishing you well!!!

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Oof, I feel this! We are with you in spirit in that writing room and will be here when you emerge with a manuscript. Sending love and courage. And electrolytes x

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Thank you for showing us how “pushing off from here”, in all the ways, is done. Cheering for you. #8

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I’ve written a lot of novels, and although I’m sure the process of non-fiction is likely different, the need to carry around the book sounds like the same thing. I always hit a point where I have to shut out the world so that I can actually do that carrying. For me the irritation comes from not having bandwidth because it takes a lot of energy to hold all that stuff in my head, and I have to do that, be able to move around in that world, or I can’t get it on the page. It’s also exhausting. We’ll be here on the other side.

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Exactly this!

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You got this! I CANNOT wait to read this book. I am sending strength and patience to you in the writing room. Maybe the writing process doesn't feel the way you wish it would, or thought it would, does life ever unfold the way we thought it would? But you will get to the other side with a book to show for it and your eager readers will be here with bells on! <3

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Happy for you for listening to you <3.

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Good luck, Laura! Wishing you all that you need during this process.

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Good luck, Laura - you got this! 💪🏼 Can’t wait to hear about your progress when you come back and very excited for this next book!

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You have a huge amount of cheerleaders waiting for you on the other side of this. I will never quite believe how much your sobriety journey matched mine. It is like you were me, a few steps ahead, and your words have always been magic for me. A lighthouse in the storm. Like you are inside my head. And of course, when I started researching love addiction and going through my own heartbreak, there you were doing it too. Selfishly, I need this book. And so do so many! Thank you for sharing your deepest parts with us and for doing the hard work of writing.

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I loved reading this as can totally understand how you have been feeling despite not being a writer ..yet! But the heartache and feeling paralysed almost in doing almost anything.

You are an inspiration to me and your story so relatable. Bon courage as they say here in France!

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thank you this brings so much help and wisdom to my own story...

we all kick the can down the road in all kinds of ways. and it's really brave & strong to stop doing that.

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Supporting your decision 100%! I'll be here whenever you get back and in the meantime enjoy reading your older posts. So, so many gems there. <3

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Will be here when you’re ready to come back. Cheering for you! Can’t wait to read your next book baby whenever she is ready to be born.

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‘But I found myself so incapacitated by grief (and perimenopause) that I could barely work last year. Month after month, I kept expecting it to get easier, and it kept...not being easier. I did the minimum to keep the lights on, but had zero capacity for the kind of focus and intensity that writing a book requires.’

….this is the most perfect description of your experience and my own PHD journey over the past few months…you have articulated it so well, I feel every word you’ve written.

#insolidarity 📚

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