I had to quit caffeine two years ago because of vestibular migraine, and after the detox from it, I have never looked back! I too loved the whole ritual, and still do Swiss water decaf in my little press. I am going to go get some of that Wimp now. Thank you!! And now I also want some soup.

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Luckily the recipes are rolling in!

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@lauren, thank you so much for supporting my goofy little biz. So glad we can serve ya!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Laura McKowen

I love this recipe but I add a 9-12 oz filet of salmon up at the end to slowly cook in the soup and then I break it up to distribute throughout before serving. Such a good fall dish. https://www.alisoneroman.com/recipes/potato-leek-soup

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14 hrs agoLiked by Laura McKowen

Highly recommend the Minestrone soup from the Moosewood cookbook!!

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Thank you 🍲!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Laura McKowen

I am also off caffeine because of anxiety - happy to follow and order from Wimp, some decaf coffee is SO bad and I look forward to trying it. Thanks for the heads up

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majestic layers of love for yourself. yup.

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i quit coffee i think 7 years ago also because it was similarly contributing to panic attacks and physical anxiety (tied into verrrry hangovers as well - so thankful THOSE are gone!). i still drink 1-2 iced black teas a day but definitely noticed a quick different immediately just w that lower dose of caffeine (and more importantly don’t feel like i NEED it every day in the way i did coffee). sending you the best! ❤️

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👏🏽. I feel similar off caffeine. Crazy how it effects our noggins!

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The video 🤣🤣🤣. Thank you for the best lunch time laugh. I follow him and love him so much!!

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Ah coffee! I go off it here and there but also only have one "weak" cup (according to my husband). I love that you see how it affects your anxiety Laura. YES! It can do a number to most people's blood sugar, which can generate a lot of anxiety for most.

What's helped me take breaks from coffee was learning that I'm not tired without it. Rather, it's the withdraw of caffeine that causes us to be tired. This was a game changer in my understanding. Hence why we feel tired for a few days but once the withdraw is done, we actually often have more energy.

Feels like too much coffee is like taking out a high-rate interest loan on our energy reserves. Great in the short-term but takes too much in the end.

Glad you're feeling more rooted.

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Hell yeah Ali! Preach! It's wild to see how caffeine can effect us, especially if we use it everyday without thinking.

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I’ve known for years that I needed to cut back (way back) on my coffee consumption. Just like I knew years ago I needed to quit drinking alcohol. I’ve given it a shot many times. Gone through the headaches, lethargy, flu like symptoms, only to return days later to drinking 4-5 cups a day. Just like you inspired me to address my alcohol problem, I’m re-inspired to work on the coffee consumption. It’s a tough one because it’s such a morning ritual. Thank you again for sharing so openly with us. I’m going to order some Wimp and give it a try.

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Your dig list book recommendations always send me blindly racing to my Libby app to put them on hold! So many good reads thanks to you. ❤️ I bought a Spacies too! Love it.

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I was completely miserable when I quit coffee! I quit because my digestive system couldn't deal with it any longer - it was then that I realized how dependent I was on coffee. I am now trying to give up caffeinated tea almost there. Your system will thank you .

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The insights from getting sober from alcohol make it hard for me to ignore my addiction to caffeine. One of these days I will give it up altogether. I have cut back and do drink decaf, so I will definitely check out Wimp!

Ever since I moved to a small town without the delis, takeout, and restaurant options I was used to, I use my Instant Pot constantly to make soup. Chicken Tortilla is my favorite: https://www.thekitchn.com/instant-pot-chicken-tortilla-soup-recipe-23392096

I also like making Butternut Squash soup, and a hot mug of soup can be nice in the morning. https://detoxinista.com/instant-pot-curried-butternut-squash-soup/

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I don’t have a recipe for you - only gratitude. Your post was the push I needed to stop my caffeine habit (again). My left eye has been twitching recently and Google informed me that it was due to caffeine.

I love this community btw!

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Dig your doodles.

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You will be real glad you quit caffeine as you embark on the menopause journey. I had heart palpitations that would last for about 2 weeks per episode, sleeplessness, vertigo/dizziness and anxiety that have all resolved by quitting caffeine. Caffeine also makes hot flashes much more intense and frequent. Ugh! they are bad enough as it is... It is harder to get going in the morning, but I find a half hour or so walk outside around sunrise or sunshine really helps. And with decaf you still have the ritual and taste in hand. And thanks for the WIMP recommendations. I have a heck of a time finding good decaf.

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