Laura McKowen
Laura McKowen is the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life and Push Off From Here: 9 Essential Truths to Get You Through Sobriety (and Everything Else). In 2020, she founded The Luckiest Club, an international sobriety support community. Laura has been published in The New York Times, and her work has been featured in The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, the TODAY show, and more. She lives outside Boston with her daughter.
Her third book, a memoir about love addiction, will be published by Ballantine in 2025.
What is Love Story?
Love Story is my weekly newsletter where I write mostly about purpose, addiction, recovery of all kinds, relationships, writing, and book publishing.
I’m currently taking paid subscribers behind the scenes as I write my third book, sharing things like how I organize my time, writing about other people, memoir structure, and more.
I do quarterly Zoom hangouts and occasional live conversations, like this series on career transition and becoming an author.
Each month, I share a roundup of Dig List of things I’m digging: books, podcasts, cultural moments.
What do I get?
Subscriptions to Love Story are $7 a month or $60 a year. Paying subscribers get:
My regular newsletter, where I talk about addiction, recovery, relationships, writing, psychology, and things I’m digging
Occasional live Zoom hangouts, like this call on All Things Book Publishing
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Where’d the name “Love Story” come from?
It’s from part of a poem I wrote years ago: Do not be mistaken / this is a love story / it's just not the kind you think.
I wrote it sometime in the middle of trying to get sober—when everything seemed dark and shitty, and love seemed very far away. Despite the dark and shitty, I knew the long arc of what I was going through was going to be, in the end, an epic love story. Not a romantic one; something far bigger.